More About Me & The Podcast

I am first and foremost a Child of God, and that is not a small thing for me to say. Ever since I came to Christ, I have known that I was a child of God. But it took some shaking before I really embraced the reality and implications of that in my life. And yes, that has something to do with the name of this podcast, as I’ll discuss later on.

I am also a wife and mother of 2 girls whom God has used in so many ways. It was many years ago that The Lord began poking on some of my world views. But it was sometime before the birth of my first daughter that I started paying attention, after I went from being a newly-wed to fast entering a season of health challenges and back-to-back miscarriages, and eventually a very complication filled birth process of my first daughter, developing complications that I didn’t fully recover from until almost a year after the birth of my second daughter. Still, it wasn’t until 2020 that I took time to begin looking deeper into many of my questions. The next few years were marked with learning, growing, untangling healing, and increased clarity! And I had to gather up the courage to own up to the changes that were taking place in my mind and heart; going from seeing the world through the lens of Word-Faith and prosperity theology to where I am now. 

And then, I am a certified Christian life and mental health coach. I love to see people build healthy relationships, especially within the body of Christ, and I love to empower and encourage women. But one message that I hope will echo through this platform more than the old is this: it is so much more possible to be reconciled in relationships with people after we have allowed our hearts to be reconciled to God through Christ. Learning about the doctrines I once held not only untangled my faith, it also shifted my perspective and desired focus for coaching. While it is definitely beneficial to understand family dynamics, love languages, our strengths and weaknesses, his and her needs, to set goals and make plans, and to learn personality profiles,  It is much more important that we address the tendencies of the human heart and recognize the primary solution for It’s sicknesses. 

Therefore, until The Lord first changes our hearts and fills us with himself, and changes our desires to a longing to please him, and changes our vision from only seeing the here-and-now to seeing the promised eternity; and until we believe in the gospel of Christ and allow it to become the power that transforms us, all our good efforts may be nothing more than self-help formulas wrapped up in Christian lingo and void of the very power of the gospel. And more so, we may risk falling into the trap of thinking that; on the one hand, we have the power to create the life we want all by ourselves, and on the other hand, that we are too far gone, too lost or too messed up to surrender that life to Christ. Focusing on outer responses can lead us to deceive ourselves that with the right program, we will cash out on the perfect life because we did all the steps. So I started to see how secular culture, prosperity doctrines, and so many self-help ideologies were highly integrated in much of what I saw even in the Christian coaching industry. And frankly, I want to go beneath the surface and get to the heart of the matter.

What To Expect From This Podcast:

Topics that fall under the general categories of:  Faith and salvation, theology and doctrine, mental and relational health, spiritual/religious abuse advocacy and awareness, and discipleship and Christian living. It is also my desire to connect with other Christians who are smarter than myself to share their wisdom on these topics. So do get in touch with me if that’s you and I will be thrilled to schedule a talk with you. 

As for frequency:

I’m not making any promises. I am still careful to prioritize the unpredictable needs of my family this season. I will post at least one podcast a month depending how the month looks, and some blogs as well. So please give me grace, and I really appreciate it.

With that said, I’m so glad you’re here. Please subscribe on any major platform of your choice and get notified when I post a new episode, then you don’t have to think about it if I post less frequently. You’ll get notified when I do. Also follow me on Facebook and Instagram, and let’s together seek to know Jesus, grow in His word, Heal from our Hurts, and love Like Christ.


What I Believe...

The Bible

I BELIEVE that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inerrant word of God, written by men but inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible contains the entire doctrinal belief of the Christian and is closed from the addition of any new doctrines. The Bible is useful to believers for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.


I BELIEVE in the one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that He created the heavens and the earth, and all living things.


I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. I believe in his sinless life, miracles and teachings-His atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, and his visible second return to earth which is still to come.

Holy Spirit

I BELIEVE in the deity of the Holy Spirit, distinct from the Father and Son, and possessing all of the divine attributes. He came forth from the Father  and exalts Christ, convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and regenerates, sanctifies, and empowers all who believe in Jesus Christ for ministry. He is our Helper, Teacher, Comforter, and Guide.


I BELIEVE that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. It is a free gift of God apart from works.


I BELIEVE that God created man and woman in His image. Yet the whole human race fell in the fall of the first Adam and was separated from God. Only through faith, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, which was made possible by His death on the cross and resurrection, are we reconciled back to God.

Get in touch! I look forward to hearing from you.